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Unsupported Neoprene, Flock Lined with Raised Diamond Grip - 28 Mil



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Ideal for use in the petrochemical industry, janitorial, general maintenance and photo finishing.

  • Neoprene gloves provide superior protection from a wide range of chemicals such as acids, caustics, solvents and oils
  • Straight cuff adds additional length to protect the forearm from liquid run-off
  • Flock lining provides increased comfort and ease of donning
  • Raised Diamond pattern for an enhanced grip
  • Made from component materials that comply with Federal regulations for food contact 21 CFR, 170-199
  • Petrochemical Refining
  • Material Handling
  • Degreasing
  • Chemical Handling
  • Plating
  • Galvanizing
Performance Data
  • EN 388 2016 Results: 3121X
  • Abrasion: 3Cut (Coupe Test): 1Tear: 2Puncture: 1Cut (TDM-100 Test): Impact Protection: X

EN 388 is a European Standard. Cut Level is determined by the number of cycles it takes a spinning circular blade, that is pulled across the material under a constant weight of 500 grams, to cut the fabric. As the number of cycles increase, so does the glove's ratings. Click here for more information about the EN 388 2016 standard.

  • EN 374 Results:
  • Type: BA: MethanolK: Sodium Hydroxide 40%L: Sulfuric Acid 96%

To attain the EN 374 pictogram shield gloves must pass at least a Level 2 in three chemicals. The chemicals listed above are the chemicals that passed for this glove.

Chemical Permeation

Chemical Permeation

The chemical permeation of our product is measured in accordance to European Standard EN 374-3. This measures the resistance of protective gloves against chemicals and microorganisms. Part 3 of the standard determines the level of resistance to permeation by chemicals.

Breakthrough Time (BTT)

The number of minutes from initial contact with a test chemical until it is first detected on the inside of the glove.

Breakthrough Time - Protection Index

Each chemical tested is classified in terms of breakthrough time (performance level 0 to 6).

CAUTION: This information is provided as an aid in determining the general suitability of various products for use with specific chemicals. These recommendations are advisory only and the SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR A SPECIFIC APPLICATION OR ENVIRONMENT MUST BE DETERMINED BY THE PURCHASER OR USER OF THE PRODUCT. This information should be used as a guide only.

Chemical Name



2-Butoxyethanol63 MIN
2-Ethoxyethanol58 MIN
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate37 MIN
2-Nitropropane26 MIN
Acetaldehyde8 MIN
Acetic acid, 99%152 MIN
Acetone11 MIN
Acetonitrile15 MIN
Acrylic acid66 MIN
Ammonium Fluoride, 40%>480 MIN
Ammonium hydroxide>440 MIN
Aniline (and homologs)69 MIN
Aqua Regia>480 MIN
Butyrolactone, 99%170 MIN
Cirtic Acid, 10%>480 MIN
Cyclohexanol392 MIN
Di-sec octyl phthalate>480 MIN
Diacetone alcohol96 MIN
Dibutyl phthalate>480 MIN
Dimethylformamide38 MIN
Dimetyl Sulphoxide243 MIN
Ethanolamine>480 MIN
Ethyl acetate10 MIN
Ethyl alcohol73 MIN
Ethyl ether4 MIN
Ethylene glycol>480 MIN
Formaldehyde, 99%>480 MIN
Formic acid>480 MIN
Freon160 MIN
Furfural35 MIN
Hexamethyldisilazane153 MIN
Hydrazine, 65%205 MIN
Hydrogen chloride, 10%>480 MIN
Hydrogen chloride, 37%>480 MIN
Hydrogen fluoride, 48%>480 MIN
Hydrogen peroxide, 30%>480 MIN
Hydroquinone>480 MIN
Iso-octane92 MIN
Isobutyl alcohol183 MIN
Isopropyl alcohol142 MIN
Kerosene100 MIN
Lactic acid, 85%>480 MIN
Lauric acid, 36% in ethanol>480 MIN
Maleic acid, saturated>480 MIN
Methyl alcohol40 MIN
Methyl Cellosolve®75 MIN
Methylamine 40%79 MIN
n-Butyl alcohol135 MIN
n-Hexane16 MIN
n-Pentane13 MIN
n-Propyl alcohol75 MIN
Nitric acid, 10%>480 MIN
Nitric acid, 70%370 MIN
Nitromethane22 MIN
Octyl alcohol275 MIN
Oleic Acid>480 MIN
Oxalic acid, 12.5%>480 MIN
Palmitic Acid, Sat>480 MIN
Pentachlorophenol, 36% in Ethanol>480 MIN
Perchloric acid, 60%>480 MIN
Petroleum distillates (naphtha)15 MIN
Phenol, 90%108 MIN
Phosphoric acid, 85%>480 MIN
Potassium hydroxide, 50%>480 MIN
Sodium hydroxide, 50%>480 MIN
Stoddard solvent62 MIN
Sulfuric acid, 47%>480 MIN
Sulfuric acid, 96%260 MIN
Tannic Acid, 65%>480 MIN
VM & P Naphtha35 MIN

The Assurance brand of products has been developed for chemical resistant applications found in all types of industrial settings and designed with the utmost safety in mind. Chemical resistance test results are available on a wide variety of chemical families found commonly in the workplace. All of these gloves have been tested for durability as well. Assurance hand protection will satisfy your needs or we'll take the product back.

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